i looking add basic checkbox default directory page using mui_page_customfunction_show
in nsis. however, checkbox doesn't seem appearing or functioning in way. here different functions have attempted; i'm not sure if need grab current window in order draw it? advice appreciated.
!define mui_page_customfunction_show "directoryshow" !define mui_page_customfunction_leave "directoryleave" !insertmacro mui_page_directory var checkbox function directoryshow ${nsd_createcheckbox} 0 0 50% 6% "checkboxtest" pop $checkbox ${nsd_check} $checkbox functionend function directoryleave ${nsd_getstate} $checkbox $0 ${if} $0 <> 0 messagebox mb_ok "checkbox checked." ${endif} functionend
supported on nsdialog pages (welcome , finish mui pages) not on internal nsis page directory.
to create control on internal pages must manually call createwindowex
windows api function. of other nsd helper macros can still used on these controls:
!include mui2.nsh !include nsdialogs.nsh !define mui_page_customfunction_show "directoryshow" !define mui_page_customfunction_leave "directoryleave" !insertmacro mui_page_directory !insertmacro mui_page_components !insertmacro mui_page_instfiles !insertmacro mui_language english var checkbox var checkstate ; stored globally remember choice if user presses button , goes our page !define checkheight 28 !ifmacrondef _z= !error "nsis 2.51 or 3.0rc1 or later required!" !endif !macro createnativecontrol hparent cls style exstyle x y w h text ; note: supports pixel coordinates system::call 'user32::createwindowex(i ${exstyle}, t "${cls}", ts, ${style}, ${x}, ${y}, ${w}, ${h}, p ${hparent}, i0, i0, i0)p.s' "${text}" !macroend function directoryshow ; create space reducing height of top text: system::call *(i,i,i,i)p.r0 ; nsis 2.51+ system::call 'user32::getwindowrect(p$mui.directorypage.text, pr0)' system::call 'user32::mapwindowpoints(i0,p$mui.directorypage,p$0,i2)' system::call '*$0(i.r2,i.r3,i.r4,i.r5)' system::free $0 intop $5 $5 - ${checkheight} system::call 'user32::setwindowpos(i$mui.directorypage.text,i,i,i,i$4,i$5,i0x6)' ; create , initialize checkbox intop $5 $3 + $5 ; y = texttop + textheight !insertmacro createnativecontrol $mui.directorypage ${__nsd_checkbox_class} "${__nsd_checkbox_style}" "${__nsd_checkbox_exstyle}" 0 $5 300 ${checkheight} "checkboxtest" pop $checkbox sendmessage $mui.directorypage ${wm_getfont} 0 0 $0 ; dialog font sendmessage $checkbox ${wm_setfont} $0 1 ; , apply new control system::call 'user32::setwindowpos(i$checkbox,i0,i,i,i,i,i0x33)' ; make sure on top of tab order ${ifthen} $checkstate == "" ${|} strcpy $checkstate 1 ${|} ; set default if our first time ${nsd_setstate} $checkbox $checkstate functionend function directoryleave ${nsd_getstate} $checkbox $checkstate ${if} $checkstate <> 0 messagebox mb_ok "checkbox checked." ${endif} functionend
alternatively, instead of creating control @ run-time can modify actual page (...\nsis\contrib\uis\modern.exe) resource hacker , apply new ui file mui_ui
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