java - Closing JFrames with Windows event -

i'm writing simple program have multiple jframe windows when use multiple stack , i've tried set visibility false isn't working i'm trying simulate close frames don't stack on top of each other don't know use since program isn't window.

public void close(){     windowevent winclosingevent = new windowevent(this, windowevent.window_closing);     toolkit.getdefaulttoolkit().getsystemeventqueue().postevent(winclosingevent); } 

on this keep getting error of

incompatible types: program1 cannot converted window 

if has better way of doing please let me know cant find better way that's working me.

import java.awt.color; import java.awt.font; import java.awt.toolkit; import java.awt.event.windowevent; import; import; import java.util.arraylist; import; import javax.sound.sampled.audiosystem; import javax.sound.sampled.clip; import javax.sound.sampled.lineunavailableexception; import javax.sound.sampled.unsupportedaudiofileexception; import javax.swing.imageicon; import javax.swing.jframe; import javax.swing.jlabel; import javax.swing.joptionpane; import javax.swing.jpanel;  // public class program1 {     public string welcome() {         date date = new date();         file music = new file("bioshock_infinite_-_bioshock_infinite_-_after_youv.wav");         try {             clip clip = audiosystem.getclip();   ;             clip.start();         } catch (lineunavailableexception | unsupportedaudiofileexception | ioexception e) {         }         jframe welcomejframe = new jframe("welcome daimeon's escape!");         jlabel backgroundimagejlabel = new jlabel();         backgroundimagejlabel.seticon(new imageicon("monu_island-skyline01.png"));         jlabel gamenamejlabel = new jlabel("an escape monument island!");         jlabel welcomejlabel = new jlabel("welcome daimeon's escape game.");         jlabel currentdatejlabel = new jlabel("" + date.tostring() + "");         jpanel panel = new jpanel();         welcomejframe.setdefaultcloseoperation(jframe.exit_on_close);         currentdatejlabel.setbounds(400, 700, 800, 60);         currentdatejlabel.setfont(new font("andes", font.bold, 60));         currentdatejlabel.sethorizontalalignment(;         gamenamejlabel.setbounds(350, 15, 900, 60);         gamenamejlabel.setforeground(;         gamenamejlabel.setfont(new font("andes", font.bold, 60));         gamenamejlabel.sethorizontalalignment(;         welcomejlabel.setbounds(450, 75, 700, 35);         welcomejlabel.setfont(new font("andes", font.bold, 30));         welcomejlabel.sethorizontalalignment(;         panel.add(backgroundimagejlabel);         backgroundimagejlabel.add(gamenamejlabel);         backgroundimagejlabel.add(welcomejlabel);         backgroundimagejlabel.add(currentdatejlabel);         welcomejframe.add(panel);         welcomejframe.setsize(1828, 1080);         welcomejframe.setlocationrelativeto(null);         welcomejframe.setvisible(true);         string name = "";         name = getusers_name(name);         gretting(name);         return name;     }      public string getusers_name(string name) {         return name = joptionpane.showinputdialog(null, "hey there please sign-in name:");     }      public void gretting(string name) {         joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null, "well howdy there " + name + " welcome website."                 + "\nheres run down of about.");         joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null,                 name + "\n stuck in monument on monument island trying escape"                         + "\n songbrid , sherpards men, both trying kill"                         + " you.");         joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null,                 "\t \t \t basic registration fees\n" + "$2.50 : dont run before can walk "                         + "( ages 0 - 4 )\n" + "$5.00 : felling courageous " + "( ages 4 - 12 )\n"                         + "$7.50 : wont walk in park " + "( ages 13 - 17 )\n"                         + "$9.75 : expert " + "( ages 18+ )\n" + "$1.25 : additional items "                         + "( lock pick, silver eagle or creature )",                 "fees", joptionpane.warning_message, null);         joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null,                 "hey " + name + ",\n" + "please continue start\n" + "registration",                 "please continue", joptionpane.warning_message, null);     }      public void start_regstration(arraylist users_information) {         int[] user_number_information = new int[5];         int addons = 0;         double[] user_dep_amount = new double[5];         users_information.add(get_user_alias(users_information));         users_information.add(get_user_gender(users_information));         users_information.add(get_user_atrological_sign(users_information));         user_number_information[0] = get_user_birth_year(users_information);         user_dep_amount[0] = get_int_player_dep_amount(users_information);         user_number_information[2] = get_addon_1(users_information);         user_number_information[3] = get_addon_2(users_information);         user_number_information[4] = get_addon_3(users_information);         confirm(users_information, user_number_information);         compute_total_addons(user_number_information);         feature_recipt(users_information, user_number_information);         pre_total_reg_fee_recipt(users_information, user_number_information);         user_number_information[1] = get_players_age(user_number_information);         user_dep_amount[1] = players_age_reg_fee(user_number_information);         user_dep_amount[2] = daimeons_round_to_penny(user_number_information);         final_player_fee_amount(users_information, user_dep_amount);         exit_m();     }      public string get_user_alias(arraylist users_information) {         string alias;         alias = (string) joptionpane.showinputdialog(null,                 "hey " + users_information.get(0) + " alias?", "alias",                 joptionpane.question_message, null, null, "captain");         return alias;     }      public string get_user_gender(arraylist users_information) {         string user_gender;         user_gender = (string) joptionpane.showinputdialog(null,                 "hey " + users_information.get(1) + " gender?", "gender",                 joptionpane.question_message, null, null, "male");         return user_gender;     }      public string get_user_atrological_sign(arraylist users_information) {         close();         string astro_sign;         astro_sign = (string) joptionpane.showinputdialog(null,                 "hey " + users_information.get(1) + " what's astrological sign?",                 "astrological sign", joptionpane.question_message, null, null, "gemini");         return astro_sign;     }      public int get_user_birth_year(arraylist users_information) {         int by;         string input = joptionpane.showinputdialog(null,                 "hey " + users_information.get(1) + " birth year?");         = integer.parseint(input);         return by;     }      public double get_int_player_dep_amount(arraylist users_information) {         double user_dep;         object input = joptionpane.showinputdialog(null,                 "hey " + users_information.get(1) + " how deposit?",                 "deposit", joptionpane.question_message, null, null, "1234.56");         user_dep = double.parsedouble((string) input);         return user_dep;     }      public int get_addon_1(arraylist users_information) {         return 1;     } public int extrafeaturetreasure( string alias )  


  //title bar   jframe getextrafeaturesjframe   = new jframe("user's features" );    //set background    jlabel backgroundimagejlabel    = new jlabel( );   backgroundimagejlabel.seticon( new imageicon( "vv.jpg" ) );            //treasure   jlabel treasurejlabel = new jlabel( );    //creatures   jlabel creature1jlabel = new jlabel( );   jlabel creature2jlabel = new jlabel( );    //key   jlabel keyjlabel      = new jlabel( );    //second panel   jpanel thesecondpanel = new jpanel( );    getextrafeaturesjframe.setdefaultcloseoperation( jframe.exit_on_close );    treasurejlabel.seticon( new imageicon( "lovee.gif" ) );   creature1jlabel.seticon( new imageicon( "gun.gif" ) );   creature2jlabel.seticon( new imageicon( "creature2.gif" ) );   keyjlabel.seticon( new imageicon( "fashionkey.jpg" ) );    //extra feature price label   jlabel extrafeaturetextjlabel = new jlabel( "extra features : $1.25 ea" );    //treasure   jlabel treasuretextjlabel = new jlabel( "treasure" );   jlabel treasuredescriptiontext0jlabel = new jlabel( "extra treasures of the" );   jlabel treasuredescriptiontext1jlabel = new jlabel( "latest fashion trends!" );    //creature   jlabel creature1textjlabel = new jlabel( "the guy gun" );   jlabel creature2textjlabel = new jlabel( "unfashionable shopaholics" );   jlabel creature1textdescription0jlabel = new jlabel( "beware of creatures!" );   jlabel creature1textdescription1jlabel = new jlabel( "if encounter @ point" );   jlabel creature1textdescription2jlabel = new jlabel( "you lose precious shops" );    //key   jlabel keytextjlabel = new jlabel( "fashion key" );   jlabel keytextdescription0jlabel = new jlabel( "fashion keys most" );   jlabel keytextdescription1jlabel = new jlabel( "special features in game" );   jlabel keytextdescription2jlabel = new jlabel( "since add final touch" );   jlabel keytextdescription3jlabel = new jlabel( "to perfect outfit" );    //extra feature label characteristics   extrafeaturetextjlabel.setfont( new font( "cooper black", font.bold, 40 ) );   extrafeaturetextjlabel.setforeground( new color( 250, 150, 200 ));   extrafeaturetextjlabel.sethorizontalalignment( );    //extra feature label characteristics   treasuretextjlabel.setfont( new font( "cooper black", font.bold, 25 ) );   treasuredescriptiontext0jlabel.setfont( new font( "cooper black", font.bold, 20 ) );   treasuredescriptiontext1jlabel.setfont( new font( "cooper black", font.bold, 20 ) );    //extra feature label characteristics   creature1textjlabel.setfont( new font( "cooper black", font.bold, 25 ) );   creature1textdescription0jlabel.setfont( new font( "cooper black", font.bold, 20 ) );   creature1textdescription1jlabel.setfont( new font( "cooper black", font.bold, 20 ) );   creature1textdescription2jlabel.setfont( new font( "cooper black", font.bold, 20 ) );    //extra feature label characteristics   creature2textjlabel.setfont( new font( "cooper black", font.bold, 25 ) );    //extra feature label characteristics   keytextjlabel.setfont( new font( "cooper black", font.bold, 25 ) );       keytextdescription0jlabel.setfont( new font( "cooper black", font.bold, 20 ) );   keytextdescription1jlabel.setfont( new font( "cooper black", font.bold, 20 ) );   keytextdescription2jlabel.setfont( new font( "cooper black", font.bold, 20 ) );    keytextdescription3jlabel.setfont( new font( "cooper black", font.bold, 20 ) );     //extra feature label characteristics   extrafeaturetextjlabel.setbounds( 450,1,700,40 );   treasuretextjlabel.setbounds( 400,315,500,50 );   treasurejlabel.setbounds( 200,35,500,300 );   treasuredescriptiontext0jlabel.setbounds( 200,345,500,50 );   treasuredescriptiontext1jlabel.setbounds( 200,365,500,50 );    keytextjlabel.setbounds( 1195,284,500,50 );   keyjlabel.setbounds( 1132,45,400,250 );    keytextdescription0jlabel.setbounds( 770,20,400,250 );   keytextdescription1jlabel.setbounds( 770,40,400,250 );   keytextdescription2jlabel.setbounds( 770,60,400,250 );   keytextdescription3jlabel.setbounds( 770,80,400,250 );    creature1textjlabel.setbounds( 300,645,500,50 );   creature2textjlabel.setbounds( 980,645,545,50 );   creature1textdescription0jlabel.setbounds( 200,675,500,50 );   creature1textdescription1jlabel.setbounds( 200,695,500,50 );   creature1textdescription2jlabel.setbounds( 200,715,500,50 );    creature1jlabel.setbounds( 200,390,500,300 );   creature2jlabel.setbounds( 897,377,500,300 );         //add labels pannel   thesecondpanel.add(backgroundimagejlabel);   backgroundimagejlabel.add(extrafeaturetextjlabel);    backgroundimagejlabel.add(treasuretextjlabel);   backgroundimagejlabel.add(treasurejlabel);   backgroundimagejlabel.add(treasuredescriptiontext0jlabel);   backgroundimagejlabel.add(treasuredescriptiontext1jlabel);    backgroundimagejlabel.add(creature1textjlabel);   backgroundimagejlabel.add(creature1jlabel);   backgroundimagejlabel.add(creature2textjlabel);   backgroundimagejlabel.add(creature2jlabel);   backgroundimagejlabel.add(creature1textdescription0jlabel);   backgroundimagejlabel.add(creature1textdescription1jlabel);   backgroundimagejlabel.add(creature1textdescription2jlabel);    backgroundimagejlabel.add(keytextjlabel);   backgroundimagejlabel.add(keyjlabel);   backgroundimagejlabel.add(keytextdescription0jlabel);   backgroundimagejlabel.add(keytextdescription1jlabel);   backgroundimagejlabel.add(keytextdescription2jlabel);   backgroundimagejlabel.add(keytextdescription3jlabel);    //add panel frame   getextrafeaturesjframe.add(thesecondpanel);   getextrafeaturesjframe.setsize ( 1280, 900 );         getextrafeaturesjframe.setlocationrelativeto( null );    getextrafeaturesjframe.setvisible( true );     //ask user's amount deposit, output changes string object   //image 2   object gettreasures = joptionpane.showinputdialog( null,                                                 "dear " + alias + "\u2661,\n"                                                 +"please enter number of treasures\n"                                                 +"you wish acquire",                                                 "\u2661number of treasures\u2661",                                                  joptionpane.plain_message,                                                 icon, null,                                                 "0");    //typecast, converts returned object string     getusertreasures = (string)gettreasures;    //converts returned string int   numberoftreasures = integer.parseint( getusertreasures );   return numberoftreasures; 


    public int get_addon_2(arraylist users_information) {         return 2;     }      public int get_addon_3(arraylist users_information) {         return 3;     }      public void confirm(arraylist users_information, int[] user_number_information) {     }      public double compute_total_addons(int[] user_number_information) {         return 1.0;     }      public void feature_recipt(arraylist users_information, int[] user_number_information) {     }      public void pre_total_reg_fee_recipt(arraylist users_information,             int[] user_number_information) {     }      public int get_players_age(int[] user_number_information) {         return 1;     }      public double players_age_reg_fee(int[] user_number_information) {         return 1.0;     }      public double daimeons_round_to_penny(int[] user_number_information) {         return 1.0;     }      public void final_player_fee_amount(arraylist users_information, double[] user_dep_amount) {     }      public void exit_m() {         system.exit(0);     }      public void close() {         // todo: fix:         // windowevent winclosingevent = new windowevent(this,         // windowevent.window_closing);         // toolkit.getdefaulttoolkit().getsystemeventqueue().postevent(winclosingevent);     }      public static void main(string[] args) {         program1 methods = new program1();         arraylist<string> users_information = new arraylist<>();         users_information.add(methods.welcome());         methods.start_regstration(users_information); methods.extrafeaturetreasure();     } } 

you didn't put enough information , explanation exact problem here can : make jframe close when click on os provided close button (at top right corner usually) work (put in class controlls jframe extends jframe class ) :


to close jframe on specific event use :


to make jframe invisible use :

