java - Video Path string with YOUTUBE-API -

i'm using youtube-api, video upload sample works fine when set video_path string "/video_name.mp4" placed under workspace .

private static string video_path = "/video_name.mp4";

but once set absolute path private static string video_path = "c:/users/ip300/desktop/video_name.mp4";

i error " throwable: null java.lang.nullpointerexception...", video doesn't exist. ps : tested path on windows redirects correctly video.

the full code :

public class uploadvideo {   private static youtube youtube;  private static final string video_file_format = "video/*";  private static final string sample_video_filename = "video_name.mp4"; private static  string video_path = "c:/users/ip300/desktop/video_name.mp4";    public static void main(string[] args) {       list<string> scopes = lists.newarraylist("");      try {          credential credential = auth.authorize(scopes, "uploadvideo");           youtube = new youtube.builder(auth.http_transport, auth.json_factory, credential).setapplicationname(                 "youtube-cmdline-uploadvideo-sample").build();          system.out.println("uploading: " + sample_video_filename);           video videoobjectdefiningmetadata = new video();          videostatus status = new videostatus();         status.setprivacystatus("public");         videoobjectdefiningmetadata.setstatus(status);           videosnippet snippet = new videosnippet();           calendar cal = calendar.getinstance();         snippet.settitle("test upload via java on " + cal.gettime());         snippet.setdescription(                 "video uploaded via youtube data api v3 using java library " + "on " + cal.gettime());          // set keyword tags want associate video.         list<string> tags = new arraylist<string>();         tags.add("test");         tags.add("example");         tags.add("java");         tags.add("youtube data api v3");         tags.add("erase me");         snippet.settags(tags);           videoobjectdefiningmetadata.setsnippet(snippet);          inputstreamcontent mediacontent = new inputstreamcontent(video_file_format,                 uploadvideo.class.getresourceasstream(video_path));           youtube.videos.insert videoinsert = youtube.videos()                 .insert("snippet,statistics,status", videoobjectdefiningmetadata, mediacontent);           mediahttpuploader uploader = videoinsert.getmediahttpuploader();           uploader.setdirectuploadenabled(false);          mediahttpuploaderprogresslistener progresslistener = new mediahttpuploaderprogresslistener() {             public void progresschanged(mediahttpuploader uploader) throws ioexception {                 switch (uploader.getuploadstate()) {                     case initiation_started:                         system.out.println("initiation started");                         break;                     case initiation_complete:                         system.out.println("initiation completed");                         break;                     case media_in_progress:                         system.out.println("upload in progress");                         system.out.println("upload percentage: " + uploader.getprogress());                         break;                     case media_complete:                         system.out.println("upload completed!");                         break;                     case not_started:                         system.out.println("upload not started!");                         break;                 }             }         };         uploader.setprogresslistener(progresslistener);          system.out.println("\n================== returned video ==================\n");         system.out.println("  - id: " + returnedvideo.getid());         system.out.println("  - title: " + returnedvideo.getsnippet().gettitle());         system.out.println("  - tags: " + returnedvideo.getsnippet().gettags());         system.out.println("  - privacy status: " + returnedvideo.getstatus().getprivacystatus());         system.out.println("  - video count: " + returnedvideo.getstatistics().getviewcount());      } catch (googlejsonresponseexception e) {         system.err.println("googlejsonresponseexception code: " + e.getdetails().getcode() + " : "                 + e.getdetails().getmessage());         e.printstacktrace();     } catch (ioexception e) {         system.err.println("ioexception: " + e.getmessage());         e.printstacktrace();     } catch (throwable t) {         system.err.println("throwable: " + t.getmessage());         t.printstacktrace();     } } 


class.getresourceasstream() expects leading ' / ' in order interpret path absoute path. without path supposed relative one. whereas classloader.getresourceasstream() uses absolute paths, there no need leading ' / '.

both return null in case resource not found.

you use uploadvideo.class.getresourceasstream() method initialize youtube.videos.insert videoinsert.

for further information:

note: if use native path , work on windows machine, proper file seperator ' \ ' instead of ' / '.

however native paths ( e.g. c:\path\file ) there no need getresourceasstream(). can use new fileinputstream("c:\path\file");
