javascript - Scroll issue in fixed div (modal) using intro.js hints -

issue almost fixed...

i found quite ugly way adjust hint position on scroll. work on desktop screen.

but there issues on mobile:

  1. the scroll event tends lag (at least on android samsung galaxy s3).
  2. when input focussed, mobile key pad messes offset calculation.

so if has better idea fix this...

you can try almost working solution using codepen.

here "almost fix" code:
(i use array store lastscroll, because want use more 1 hint.)

// position sub function var lastscroll=[]; function fixhintposition(container,hintnumber){    if(typeof(lastscroll[hintnumber])=="undefined"){     lastscroll[hintnumber]=0;   }    // scrolled px   var scroll = $(container).scrolltop();   //console.log("pixel scrolled: "+scroll);    // actual dot position   var actualpos=parseint($('a.introjs-hint').eq(hintnumber).css("top"));   //console.log(actualpos);    // new position   var newpos=actualpos+(lastscroll[hintnumber]-scroll);   $('a.introjs-hint').eq(hintnumber).css("top",newpos);    // last scroll memory   lastscroll[hintnumber] = scroll;    // if dot out of container   var out=false;   var containeroffset = parseint(container.css("top"));    if(newpos>containeroffset+container.height()){     $('a.introjs-hint').eq(hintnumber).addclass("introjs-hidehint");     out=true;     console.log("dot below modal");   }   if(newpos<containeroffset){     $('a.introjs-hint').eq(hintnumber).addclass("introjs-hidehint");     out=true;     console.log("dot above modal");   }   if(!out){     $('a.introjs-hint').eq(hintnumber).removeclass("introjs-hidehint");      console.log("dot shown");   } } 

====================== original question

hi friends.

i'm asking 5th time.
(i gave 398 answers now, please consider question care)

issue is:

i want use intro.js hints in fixed position , scrollable modal.
since intro.js marvelously handles adding hint elements body...
works fine on normal page.

but not in modal...

i see 2 options:

  1. try use introjs.js refresh() function found looking @ .js file.
    (not found in documentation... , not working anyway)

  2. manage move these elements body modal using "patch script".

    but have example quite minimal per help center complete.

     -- modal loads ajax content. --
    i'm hidding/showing/updating hints without issue... , (this plugin magic!).
    working soooo great!!

    manage fr/en translation of theses «hints».
    but now, please tell me there simple way make them damn scroll target element!

    haven't found in intro.js documentation.
    can me little?

$(document).ready(function(){      function addhints(){      intro = introjs();        intro.setoptions({          hints: [            {              element: document.queryselector('#test'),              hint: "this not scrolling page",              hintposition: 'middle-right'            }          ]        });              intro.onhintsadded(function() {          console.log('hint loaded');      });            intro.addhints();    }      addhints();        // not working... sadly....    $("#scrollable").on("scroll",function(){      console.log("scroll");      introjs().refresh();    });      });
body{    text-align:center;    background-color:cyan;  }  #scrollable{    position:fixed;    top:10%;    left:20%;    width:60%;    height:200px;    border:1px solid grey;    border-radius:20px 0 0 20px;    background-color:#fefefe;    overflow-y:scroll;  }
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>    <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>  <script src=""></script>  <script src=""></script>      <body>  <div id="scrollable">    <h1>      issue «hint»<br>      on scroll    </h1>    <br>    <input type="text" id="test"><br>    <br>    <br>    <br>    <br>    <br>    <br>    <br>    <br>    <br>    <br>    <br>    <br>    <br>    <br>    <br>    <br>    <br>    <br>  </div>  </body>

i not sure if expecting kind of work around. here did:

html(same yours)

 <body>   <div id="scrollable">   <h1>     issue «hint»<br>     on scroll   </h1>   <br>  <input type="text" data-position="bottom-right-aligned" data-hintposition="top-middle" data-hint="get it, use it."  id="test"/><br>    <br>   <br>   <br>   <br>   <br>   <br>   <br>   <br>   <br>   <br>   <br>   <br>   <br>   <br>   <br>   <br>   <br> </div> 


$(document).ready(function() {   function addhints() {     intro = introjs();     intro.onhintsadded(function() {       console.log('hint loaded bolo tarara');     });      intro.addhints();   }    addhints();    //find top of yhe scrollable according window size @ "page load"   var position = $("#test").offset();   var containertop;   containertop = $("#scrollable").offset().top;   $("#scrollable").on("scroll", function() {     var t, t, l;      var window = document.getelementbyid('scrollable');      //get amount of px scrolled     var scrollleft = (window.pagexoffset !== undefined) ? window.pagexoffset : (document.documentelement || document.body.parentnode || document.body).scrollleft;     var scrolltop = (window.pageyoffset !== undefined) ? window.pageyoffset : (document.documentelement || document.body.parentnode || document.body).scrolltop;     var scroll = $(window).scrolltop() + "px";     console.log(scroll);      t = parseint( - parseint(scroll);     t = t + "px";     l = position.left;     console.log("kitta hua scroll" + t);      $("div.introjs-hints").css("position", "relative");     //scroll hint scrollbar     document.getelementsbyclassname('introjs-hint')[0] = t;     console.log("div ki offset n badri ki dulhaniya" + $("a.introjs-hint").offset().top);      if (t < containertop) //for aesthetics      {       $("div.introjs-hints").css("display", "none");     } else {       $("div.introjs-hints").css("display", "block");     }      introjs().refresh(); //from code   }); }); 

please implement accordingly.thanks!
