c++ - There are unresolved includes inside <iostream> -

i tried compile c++ code , error appears when try so.

the error appears on line 9

here versions of gcc , g++ , such

any appreciated.


i including movie.h:

and movie.cpp:

https://puu.sh/vb53g/9e9abd1832.png (i not able include more 3 images due restrictions)

firstly, in movie.h file, have not included string header file correctly. should be:

#include <string> // without .h extension 

error: 'string' not name type

secondly, have forgotten add closing parenthesis of constructor function of class "movie". assuming have added now, after edit

as marking done compiler, may find following stackoverflow post helpful:

stackoverflow post: unresolved inclusion iostream.

the link eclipse ide, can find similar solution own ide (i cannot tell 1 have).
