javascript - YouTube iFrame API captions displaySettings does not change fontStyle -

for valid youtube video captions, following options returned.

  player.getoption("captions", "displaysettings");   {     background:"#080808",     backgroundopacity:0.75,     charedgestyle:"none",     color:"#fff",     fontfamily:4,     fontfamilyoption:"propsans",     fontsizeincrement:0,     textopacity:1,     windowcolor:"#080808",     windowopacity:0   } 

attempting change of above properties shown below doesn’t result in changes caption style.

  ytplayer.setoption("captions", "displaysettings", {fontfamily: 2}); 

is api broken or there missing step?

if check options setoption in iframeapi, can see there's no fontstyle option, fontsize

enter image description here

if you're using this blog reference, note post written in 2015 , it's html5 player. writer warned:

"i'm not sure whether means api reference out of date or undocumented options unofficial , might disappear without notice. since latter might possibility, should exercise caution in using these options."

so, follow official documentation.
