amazon web services - S3 size limit on ApiGateway created by CloudFormation -

i have cloud formation template defines new api gateway:

awstemplateformatversion: '2010-09-09' transform: aws::serverless-2016-10-31 description: api getting planetary info resources:   planetsapi:     type: aws::apigateway::restapi     properties:       name: "planets api" 

i have codepipeline set create change set , execute change set.

when change set executes, fails following error:

13:55:28 utc-0400   create_failed   aws::apigateway::restapi planetsapi s3 object size exceeds limit of 2 mb 

i don't know limit coming from, or why being uploaded s3. google searches turning no useful information. curiously, if create change set , execute through cloudformation console, don't errors.

what doing wrong?

had same problem. , wow, realized when use aws cloudformation package, creates bodys3location properties (bucket , key) under define type: aws::apigateway::restapi. happens, though had not defined such parameters earlier in template, before being processed cloudformation package. this, causes error.

what did tackle issue:

  1. let codepipeline run, , fail (with error)

  2. go aws console, find failed stack, , expand template

  3. find lines in bodys3location , parameters generated (for me in lines 22 24)

  4. add command in buildspec.yml delete these lines, after package command (example below)

    • aws cloudformation package --s3-bucket some-s3bucket --template-file ./template.yml --output-template-file ./packaged-template.yml

    • sed --in-place '22,24d' packaged-template.yml

  5. commit , push repo again

  6. it must work now!

note: not best solution, issue must solved, aws end!


it aws cli version. try installing version before running cloudformation package command (in codebuild), , should go.

pip install awscli==1.11.37 
