How to capture key/value inside graph parenthesis with regex in Java? -

i have string in java like:

 string whatihavetomatch = "$item1$={key1=1,key2=2,key3=3,}"+                            "$item2$={key10=4,key11=5,key3=4,key9=7,}"+                            "$itemn$={keyi-1=5,keyi=3,}"; 

how can define pattern every groups each of them contains item , every key/value associated?


i have build hashmap<string,hashmap<string,integer>> in every entrykey of external hashmap identifier of item, , returns map of internal "key"/"value".

the "keys"(in example: key1,key2,key3...) don't have specific form, can alphanumerical happens.

this job regular expressions:

string string = "$item1$={key1=1,key2=2,key3=3,}"+                    "$item2$={key10=4,key11=5,key3=4,key9=7,}"+                    "$itemn$={keyi-1=5,keyi=3,}"; hashmap<string,hashmap<string,integer>> mymap = new hashmap<string,hashmap<string,integer>>(); pattern itempattern = pattern.compile("([^\\s{}]+)=\\{([^{}]+)\\}"); matcher itemmatcher = itempattern.matcher(string); while(itemmatcher.find()) {     hashmap<string,integer> item = new hashmap<string,integer>();     string itemname =;     string itemcontent =;     pattern kvpattern = pattern.compile("([^=,]+)=([^=,]+)");     matcher kvmatcher = kvpattern.matcher(itemcontent);     while(kvmatcher.find()) {         item.put(, integer.parseint(;     }     mymap.put(itemname, item); } system.out.println(mymap.tostring()); 

but careful. kimbert said, regexps not right tool kind of work.
