java - Eclipse extracting executables at some unknown location -

i have plugin when installed, extracts executables @ temporary location, , uses them. here code:

public class startcheck  implements istartup {  private bufferedreader buf=null; public static string pathbandwidth; public static string pathdevicequery; public static string pathkernellaunchoverhead; public static string memorylatency;  public void earlystartup() {     // method checks presence of nvcc when eclipse starts-up.     string command="nvcc --version";     runtime run = runtime.getruntime();     process pr;      try {         pr = run.exec(command);         pr.waitfor();         buf = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(pr.getinputstream()));         //print-out nvcc version         system.out.println(buf.readline());         preparation.return_val=true;          //extract executables         bundle bundle = platform.getbundle("ptxanalysis");         url url_bandwidth = filelocator.find(bundle, new path("/executables/bandwidth.out"), null);         url url_devicequery = filelocator.find(bundle, new path("/executables/devicequery.out"), null);         url url_kernellaunchoverhead = filelocator.find(bundle, new path("/executables/empty"), null);         url url_memorylatency = filelocator.find(bundle, new path("/executables/memlatency.out"), null);         try {             url_bandwidth = filelocator.tofileurl(url_bandwidth);             url_devicequery = filelocator.tofileurl(url_devicequery);             url_kernellaunchoverhead = filelocator.tofileurl(url_kernellaunchoverhead);             url_memorylatency = filelocator.tofileurl(url_memorylatency);                        } catch (ioexception e) {             // todo auto-generated catch block             e.printstacktrace();         }         pathbandwidth=url_bandwidth.tostring();         pathdevicequery=url_devicequery.tostring();         pathkernellaunchoverhead=url_kernellaunchoverhead.tostring();         memorylatency=url_memorylatency.tostring();              }catch (ioexception e) {         //disable commands since no further task can done, prompt user install nvcc.         system.out.println("nvcc not found on computer. won't able use energy estimation plug-in");         energyestimator.return_val=false;         preparation.return_val=false;          } catch (interruptedexception e) {         e.printstacktrace();         }       }  } 

when install plugin, gives me location (one of many), executable has been extracted:


now, problems: can't find such directory. understand temporary directory, not show-up if eclipse running. using 1 of these paths run executable using processbuilder. here code:

public static void runexecutable(){     initializearray();     path_result="/home/"+system.getproperty("")+"/kernellaunchoverhead.txt";     string path_executable=startcheck.pathkernellaunchoverhead.substring(path_result.indexof('/'),path_result.lastindexof('/')+1); //path directory in executable extracted     try {         fw = new filewriter(path_result);         for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++){              processbuilder builder=new processbuilder("./empty",integer.tostring(arr[i]));    file(path_executable));             int av=0;             float sum=0;                  while(av<10){                     process pr=builder.start();                     stdin = pr.getinputstream();                     isr = new inputstreamreader(stdin);                     br = new bufferedreader(isr);                     sum=sum+float.parsefloat(line=br.readline());                     av++;                 }                 fw.write(arr[i]+"   "+float.tostring(sum/10));                 fw.write("\n");             }         fw.close();          } catch (ioexception e1) {         // todo auto-generated catch block         e1.printstacktrace();     }     fillarrays(path_result);     bestlinefit();     savemodel("/home/"+system.getproperty("")+"/kernellaunchoverheadmodel.txt"); } 

on invoking function, nothing happens. not throw filenotfound exceptions. normally, should have found executable in directory, , run it. after installing plugin, nothing happens.

to re-iterate, class startcheck showing me path executables have been extracted. paths not exist anywhere on system.

directories starting . (such .eclipse in path show) hidden on linux , macos systems.

you can see them command line using ls -a
