java - how to move circles toghether? -

      public class loc       {           public int x;           public int y;           public int radius;           public loc(int x,int y,int r)           {               this.x=x;               this.y=y;               this.radius=r;           }           public int getx() {             return this.x;           }           public void setx(int x) {             this.x =x;           }           public int gety() {             return this.y;           }           public void sety(int y) {             this.y =y;           }           public int getradius() {              return radius;           }           public void setradius(int radius) {                 this.radius = radius;           }           }       import java.awt.color;     import;     import java.util.random;      import javax.swing.jpanel;        public class display extends jpanel     {         public loc [] ar=new loc[5];         private int dx=1;         private int dy=1;         public display()         {           for(int i=0; i<5; i++)     [i]=new loc(new random().nextint(615)+25,new random().nextint(615)+25,new random().nextint(30)+25);         }          public void paintcomponent(graphics g)         {                g.setcolor(color.darkgray);                    // clear frame ...             g.fillrect(0, 0, getwidth(), getheight());                       g.setcolor(;             for(int i=0; i<ar.length; i++)             g.filloval(ar[i].x, ar[i].y, ar[i].radius,ar[i].radius);             update();          }           public void update()         {             try {                 thread.sleep(5);             } catch (interruptedexception e) {                 // todo auto-generated catch block                 e.printstacktrace();             }              check();             repaint();         }           public void check()          {              for(int i=0; i<ar.length; i++)              {                  if(ar[i].x<0)                     dx=1;                 if(ar[i].x>=this.getwidth()-45)                     dx=-1;                 if(ar[i].y<0)                     dy=1;                 if(ar[i].y>=this.getheight()-45)                     dy=-1;                 ar[i].x+=dx;                 ar[i].y+=dy;             }           }     } 

main class:

import javax.swing.jframe; public class main1 {      public static void main(string[] args)      {         display b=new display();             jframe j=new jframe();         j.setsize(700, 700);         j.add(b);         j.setdefaultcloseoperation( jframe.exit_on_close );         j.setvisible(true);     } 

the loc class include : random (x), random(y) of ball , random (radius). class display class painting ball.

the code painting circles , moves them ,but circles dont move well. problem circles moves not them self; want circles move them self.

what can do?
