while using getlasterror
after calling windows api function wrapper extractshortpathname
noticed getlasterror
returns non-zero error code regardless of whether call extractshortpathname
succeeded or failed. in fact, there seems "last error" before program executes, e.g.
program testgetlasterror; {$apptype console} {$r *.res} uses system.sysutils; var errorcode: integer; begin try errorcode := getlasterror; if errorcode <> 0 raiselastoserror; except on e: exception writeln(e.classname, ': ', e.message); end; end.
results in:
eoserror: system error. code: 122. data area passed system call small
am misunderstanding or doing wrong?
if delphi run-time doing results in getlasterror
being set, correct way clear error before program starts executing? should use setlasterror(error_success);
example delphi api documentation:
procedure tform2.btraiselastclick(sender: tobject); begin { set last os error bogus value. } system.setlasterror(error_access_denied); try raiselastoserror(); except on ex : eoserror messagedlg('caught os error code: ' + inttostr(ex.errorcode), mterror, [mbok], 0); end; { let delphi exception dialog appear. } raiselastoserror(error_not_enough_memory); { set last error none. } system.setlasterror(error_success); if getlasterror() <> error_success messagedlg('whoops, went wrong in mean time!', mterror, [mbok], 0); { no exception should thrown here because last os error "error_success". } checkoserror(getlasterror()); end;
getlasterror's documentation indicates of use if
- an api call fails, ,
- the function fails indicates can use getlasterror more information why. documentation (emphasis mine)
the return value calling thread's last-error code.
the return value section of documentation each function sets last-error code notes conditions under function sets last-error code. functions set thread's last-error code set when fail. however, functions set last-error code when succeed. if function not documented set last-error code, value returned function recent last-error code have been set; functions set last-error code 0 on success , others not.
this indicates calling without first having failure in function documented set on failure meaningless. can't call getlasterror unless know error occurred, , if you're calling after specific function called indicates failed.
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