How to display date as DD MMM YYYY imported from .csv -

i have service picks .csv , processes .sas7bdat.

i modify existing .sas template filling in variable names, length, , specifying output location.

i have scenario in .csv has date formatted 'dd mmm yyyy'. need preserve format output file. predefined formats allow 'ddmmmyyy' , 'dd-mmm-yyyy'. have tried these format types in template.

below template standard character type:

libname tempsrc "c:\temp"; proc import datafile="\\***\filelocation\file.csv"         out=mydata dbms=dlm replace;         delimiter= ",";         getnames=yes;         options extendobscounter=yes; run; data tempsrc.filename;     attrib      datevar length=$11  format=$11.     informat=$11.       label='date'             ;             set work.mydata; run; 

how can modify code output date follows '01 jan 2000'


how can output value .sas7bdat character value?

there isn't default format display dd mmm yyyy it's necessary roll own. believe following gives trying achieve:

proc format; picture ddmmmyy   other= '%0d %b %y' (datatype=date); run;  data have;   datevar='01 jan 2000'; run;  data want;   set have;   actualdatevar=input(datevar,anydtdte11.);   format actualdatevar ddmmmyy11.; run; 


enter image description here

note cannot convert character variable numeric, may wish create new variable , drop old 1 (can rename new variable end same named variable).

edit1: apply specific answer (now situation clearer)

the following should achieve needed:

libname tempsrc "c:\temp";  proc format; picture ddmmmyy   other= '%0d %b %y' (datatype=date); run;  proc import datafile="\\***\filelocation\file.csv"         out=mydata dbms=dlm replace;         delimiter= ",";         getnames=yes;         options extendobscounter=yes; run; /* if need apply format, may better using proc datasets */ data tempsrc.filename;     set work.mydata;     format datevar ddmmmyy11. ; run; 

edit2: converting character displayed correctly in universal viewer (without custom format)

libname tempsrc "c:\temp";  proc format; picture ddmmmyy   other= '%0d %b %y' (datatype=date); run;  proc import datafile="\\***\filelocation\file.csv"         out=mydata dbms=dlm replace;         delimiter= ",";         getnames=yes;         options extendobscounter=yes; run; /* convert numeric character via rename */ data tempsrc.filename;     set work.mydata (rename=(datevar=datevar2));     datevar=put(datevar2,ddmmmyy11.);   drop datevar2; run; 
