i have powershell script enumerates running services , current state using get-wmiobject win32_service. initial version based on this one , modified azure. when run script in powershell (without azure automation parts) on location machine works fine , can connect machines of interest, when port runbook following error: "get-wmiobject : rpc server unavailable."
q: problem permissions automation account? if so, account should add local machines resolve issue?
q: get-wmiobject not valid way initiate connection? if not, should try instead?
the code i'm using below:
[cmdletbinding(supportsshouldprocess = $true)] param( # servers check [parameter(mandatory=$true)][string[]]$serverlist, # services check [parameter(mandatory=$true)][string[]]$includeservice ) # following modifies write-verbose behavior turn messages on globally session $verbosepreference = "continue" $connectionname = "azurerunasconnection" # retry $retry = 6 $syncok = $false $serviceprincipalconnection = get-automationconnection -name $connectionname { try { add-azurermaccount -serviceprincipal -tenantid $serviceprincipalconnection.tenantid -applicationid $serviceprincipalconnection.applicationid -certificatethumbprint $serviceprincipalconnection.certificatethumbprint $syncok = $true } catch { $errormessage = $_.exception.message $stacktrace = $_.exception.stacktrace write-warning "error during sync: $errormessage, stack: $stacktrace. retry attempts left: $retry" $retry = $retry - 1 start-sleep -s 60 } } while (-not $syncok -and $retry -ge 0) select-azurermsubscription -subscriptionid $subscriptionid -tenantid $serviceprincipalconnection.tenantid $currentsubscription = get-azurermsubscription -subscriptionid $subscriptionid -tenantid $serviceprincipalconnection.tenantid set-azurermcontext -subscriptionid $subscriptionid; $props=@() [system.collections.arraylist]$unreachableservers = @() foreach($servername in ($serverlist)) { try { $service = get-wmiobject win32_service -computername $servername } catch {} if ($service -ne $null) { foreach ($item in $service) { #$item.displayname foreach($include in $includeservice) { #write-host $include if(($item.name).contains($include) -eq $true) { $props += [pscustomobject]@{ servername = $servername name = $item.name status = $item.status startmode = $item.startmode state = $item.state serviceaccount=$item.startname displayname =$item.displayname} } } } } else { write-host "failed contact server: "$servername $unreachableservers.add($servername) } } $props | format-table servername,name,startmode,state,serviceaccount,displayname -autosize
i assuming using azure automation hybrid worker functionality. default runs under system account. can use different account run runbook under. documented here: azure automation hybrid worker; under runas account section. use same account works when try directly.
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