i new prolog. trying write predicate accepts element , list , checks see occurrence of element in list , returns rest of list after element.
example mypredicate(3, [1 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) returns [3, 4, 5, 6, 7].
hope able explain.
mypredicate(x, [x|_]). mypredicate(x, [_|t]) :- mypredicate(x,t).
this checking if element there in list. how write rule returns rest of list after x?
you need return list in base case like:
mypredicate(x, [x|t],[x|t]).
also clause:
mypredicate(x, [_|t]) :- mypredicate(x,t).
is used when head of list x, need make sure in case head different x like:
mypredicate(x, [h|t],l) :- dif(x,h),mypredicate(x,t).
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