websphere commerce - Adding overlay to Jquery multiZoom -

we using jquery websphere commerce on our site , there image zoom developers implemented on go-live lacking 'closing' button on ipads.

the code looks this:

$('#productmainimage').addimagezoom({ // single image zoom             zoomrange: [3, 10],             magnifiersize: [447,447],             magnifierpos: 'right',             width: '100%',             height:'100%',             <c:choose>                 <c:when test="${!empty zoomfullimage}">                     cursorshade: true,                     largeimage: '<c:out value='${zoomfullimage}'/>'//<-- no comma after last option!                 </c:when>                 <c:otherwise>                     cursorshade: true //<-- no comma after last option!                 </c:otherwise>             </c:choose>         }); 

on normal website mouse on logic on ipad image on page until clicked on or clicked outside of image.

is possible add overlay 'x' or word close upper right hand corner? new jquery. have done reading on multizoom have not found indicates if can add simple overlay zoomed image frame.

any guidance fantastic! thank you
