i've been avoiding way many times , think it's time ask help.
first of all, have following structure of relevant parts of project:
# models.py class locationsprovisioning(models.model): user = models.charfield(max_length=200) dates = models.charfield(max_length=15) locations = models.charfield(max_length=200) goods = models.charfield(max_length=200) quantities = models.charfield(max_length=200) samples = models.charfield(max_length=200)
# forms.py dateinput = partial(forms.dateinput, { 'class': 'datepicker form-control', 'name': 'dates'}) class reportform(forms.form): start_date = forms.datefield(label="start date", required=true, widget=dateinput(), initial=datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=1)) end_date = forms.datefield(label="end date", required=true, widget=dateinput(), initial=datetime.date.today()) locations = forms.modelmultiplechoicefield(label='select locations', queryset=locationsmodel.objects.all().order_by('name'), required=true, widget=forms.selectmultiple(attrs={ 'class': 'form-control', 'name': 'locations' }))
# views.py def reports_view(request): form = reportform(request.post or none) selected_locations = '' all_goods = goodsmodel.objects.all().order_by('name') if request.method == "post": if form.is_valid(): start_date = str(form.cleaned_data.get('start_date')) end_date = str(form.cleaned_data.get('end_date')) selected_locations = form.cleaned_data.get('locations') else: form = reportform() return render(request, 'admin/coffee_app/raport.html', { 'form': form, 'selected_locations': selected_locations, 'all_goods': all_goods # headers of table })
so far good, have in template table contains headers, goods
, , first column selected_locations
the html looks (i've removed html tags readability):
<form class="form-horizontal" method="post"> {{ form.start_date.label_tag }} {{ form.end_date.label_tag }} {{ form.locations }} <button type="submit" class="btn my-btn" /> </form> <table id="example" class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <thead> <tr> <th>locations</th> {% in all_goods %} <th>{{ }}</th> {% endfor %} <th>samples</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> {% location in selected_locations %} <tr> <td>{{ location }}</td> <td>{{ here_i_should_have_quantities (some kind of map between selected location , `good` }}</td> <td>{{ here_i_should_have_probes_for_selected_locations }}</td> </tr> {% endfor %} </tbody> </table>
now, i'd kind of select (locationsprovisioning.objects.filter()
) should like:
select quantities, samples locationsprovisioning locations in selected_locations , dates between start_date , end_date
i know can like:
locationsprovisioning.objects.filter(dates__range=[start_date, end_date])
but can't seem find way do: select quantities, samples locationsprovisioning locations in selected_locations
what looks impossible me, match quantities / probes needed:
good_1 good_2 good_3 good_4 samples locality_1 23 2 7 3 locality_2 3 40 7 5 locality_3 1 2 3
more details:
- each
- a
might not have valuegoods
(see above table)
ps: couldn't find better title this, feel free edit it
should dates charfield or datefield? try queryset data.
locationsprovisioning.objects .filter(locations__in=selected_locations, dates__range=(start_date, end_date)) .values('quantities','samples')
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