c# - Deployment and Updater for WPF application -

hello new wpf app development , searching deployment technologies deploy , update wpf application unable find clears requirements.

requirements are:

1) set default path program files or allow clients choose install path location

2) update wpf application through silent mode or provide update button on wpf app.

limitation of deployment technologies tried:

clickonce : client doesn't have option choose installation path

windows installer: doesn't support updater wpf app.

squirrel : here unable choose installation location.

there above conclusions got googling resources achieve requirements deploying wpf app.

are there technologies supports requirements deploying , updating wpf app(these may wrong please mention if any)

the wix toolset solid option deployment, it's mature, it's used , bonus it's free.

it has learning curve, in long term pays off in opinion. check out official tutorial or this one tailored wpf app.

regarding requirements:

1) set default path program files or allow clients choose install path location

wix provides variety of standard ui. if need customizing install dir, go "wixui_installdir". check this page more options.

2) update wpf application through silent mode or provide update button on wpf app.

if app small medium size (say < 100mib), deploy updates majorupgrade. majorupgrade contains full installer, automatically uninstall previous version, install new version. of course can in silent mode:

msiexec.exe -qn -i yourinstaller.msi 

alternatively may use api (msisetinternalui, msiinstallproductw) that:

msisetinternalui(installuilevel_none, null); uint result = msiinstallproductw(l"yourinstaller.msi", l""); 

to update big applications (like visual studio) create patch, small medium size apps it's not worth hassle.
