Shoutem - How does it work for custom backend/integrations? -

interested learn more product. frontend seems straightforward. i'm curious how "backend" services tools supply? features run backend for, there api access?

this use case i'm trying understand. if sign agency, able 1) create app system 2) add custom features/native modules/etc , 3) connect app custom dashboard run ourselves

from backend services, shoutem has own cloud storage manage data in app , automated app publishing tool publishing app both stores. can customize shoutem cloud data models.

to answer other questions:

  1. yes, can create app on shoutem.
  2. shoutem architecture on how create react native apps. apps divided smaller building blocks, called extensions. architecture enables developers reuse extensions in multiple apps leads more efficient app development process. can build custom extension , extension can use feature react native, including native functionalities. made sure not restrict on how can use react native.
  3. our extensions default connected shoutem cms. since open sourced, can customize them use own backend instead. own extensions, chose dashboard going use.

extensions built 2 parts: app part , server part. app part represents application logic, while server part allows customization of shoutem server including dashboard , cms. dashboard, can write settings pages can hosted anywhere, including on own backend.

all underlying concepts explained on shoutem's developer portal:
