ionic framework - ion-buttons start and end syntax makes no sense -

i have 2 problems ion-buttons. 1. ionic documentation shows usage of ion-buttons element no real explanation beyond can infer example. 2. throws me off close tags appear me in wrong place. when saw on docs wondered if mistake, i've seen in code example here on stack. one:

<ion-header>   <ion-navbar primary>     <ion-buttons start>       **// here starts.**       <button menutoggle>         <ion-icon name="menu"></ion-icon>       </button>     </ion-buttons>  **//why ion-buttons close here?**       <ion-title>       page     </ion-title>      <ion-buttons end> **// end here?**        <button  ion-button icon-only>         <ion-icon name="search"></ion-icon>       </button>     </ion-buttons> **// close again here when there no companion open tag?**   </ion-navbar> </ion-header> 

 <ion-buttons start>       **// here starts.** 

actually here start mean not start of ion-buttons. here start mean according documentation . button alignment.

aligns element @ start based on platform. ios goes left, android first item on right

refer ion-buttons property section.

</ion-buttons>  **//why ion-buttons close here?**  

here close opened ion-buttons <ion-buttons start> <ion-buttons> </ion-buttons>

 <ion-buttons end> **// end here?**  

here end mean not end of ion-buttons. according documentation. button alignment.

aligns element @ end based on platform. ios goes right, android last item on right

refer ion-buttons property section.

</ion-buttons> **// close again here when there no companion open tag?** 

again going close open <ion-buttons end> tag. <ion-buttons> </ion-buttons>. companion open tag <ion-buttons end> tag. don't confuse end inside tag. end button alignment it. don't think beyond :).

hope you. cheers!
