javascript - HTML - Table, Adding Row, EditingRow -

page: demo jsfiddle

i working on getting table created many different features.

function: sorttable sorts table. (working)

function: table_new pulls new line. (working)

function: table_cancel cancels new line & edit line. (working)

feature: if table large, turn on scrolling feature. (working) (view css in demo.)

i unable function: table_add_row, table_edit_row work correctly. in table_add_row, cant figure out how add < form> section imported.

i submitting changes php > mysql database, reloading table on submission.

html section:

<table border="1" id="mytable" class="table recipe-table f_center">   <div class="thead">     <tr>       <th class="tb_head" style="width:auto; background-color:#e2e0cb;">         <button id="new" onclick="table_new()">new</button>         <button id="cancel" onclick="table_cancel()" class="tb_hide">cancel</button>       </th>       <th class="tb_head tb_hide" style="width:auto; background-color:#e2e0cb;">id</th>       <th class="tb_head" style="width:auto; background-color:#e2e0cb;" onclick="sorttable(2)"><span class="tb_head_a">a</span>       </th>       <th class="tb_head" style="width:auto; background-color:#e2e0cb;" onclick="sorttable(3)"><span class="tb_head_a">b</span>       </th>       <th class="tb_head" style="width:auto; background-color:#e2e0cb;" onclick="sorttable(4)"><span class="tb_head_a">c</span>       </th>   </div>   <div class="tbody">     <tr class="tb_new" id="table_new">       <!--<form>-->       <td>         <button id="t_new" name="t_new">submit</button>       </td>       <td class="tb_hide">         <input type="text" id="id_edit">       </td>       <td>         <input type="text" id="a_new" class="measurement_size">       </td>       <td>         <input type="text" id="b_new" class="measurement_size">       </td>       <td>         <input type="text" id="c_new" class="measurement_size">       </td>       <!--</form>-->     </tr>     <tr>       <!--<form>-->       <td>         <button id="table_edit_1" onclick="table_edit_row(1)">edit</button>         <button id="table_submit_1" onclick="table_submit(1)" class="tb_hide">submit</button>       </td>       <td class="tb_hide">1</td>       <td>7</td>       <td>8</td>       <td>9</td>       <!--</form>-->     </tr>     <tr>       <!--<form>-->       <td>         <button onclick="table_edit_row(2)">edit</button>         <button id="table_submit_2" onclick="table_submit(2)" class="tb_hide">submit</button>       </td>       <td class="tb_hide">2</td>       <td>1</td>       <td>2</td>       <td>3</td>       <!--</form>-->     </tr>     <tr>       <!--<form>-->       <td>         <button onclick="table_edit_row(3)">edit</button>         <button id="table_submit_3" onclick="table_submit(3)" class="tb_hide">submit</button>       </td>       <td class="tb_hide">3</td>       <td>4</td>       <td>5</td>       <td>6</td>       <!--</form>-->     </tr>   </div> </table> 

java script:

function table_new() {   document.getelementbyid("table_new").style.display = "table-row";   document.getelementbyid("new").style.display = "none";   document.getelementbyid("cancel").style.display = "block";   document.getelementbyid('a_new').value = '';   document.getelementbyid('b_new').value = '';   document.getelementbyid('c_new').value = '';   document.getelementbyid("id_edit").value = ''; }  function table_cancel() {   document.getelementbyid("table_new").style.display = "none";   document.getelementbyid("new").style.display = "block";   document.getelementbyid("cancel").style.display = "none";   document.getelementbyid('a_new').value = '';   document.getelementbyid('b_new').value = '';   document.getelementbyid('c_new').value = '';   document.getelementbyid("id_edit").value = '';   var id, table_name, rowlength;   table_name = document.getelementbyid("mytable");   rowlength = table_name.rows.length;   (var = 1; < rowlength; += 1) {     id = table_name.rows[i].cells[2].innerhtml;     document.getelementbyid("table_edit_" + id).style.display = "block";     document.getelementbyid("table_submit_" + id).style.display = "none";   } }  function table_add_row() {   var table_name, row, id, a, b, c, number_row, temp_number, temp_found, temp_submit;   table_name = document.getelementbyid("mytable");   number_row = 0;   temp_found = 0;    (var = 2, row; row = table_name.rows[i]; i++) {     temp_number = "new_" + number_row;     if (temp_number = table_name.rows[i].cells[1].innerhtml) {       number_row++       = 2;     }   }   row = table_name.insertrow(2);   id = document.getelementbyid("id_edit").value   var cell0 = row.insertcell(0);   var cell1 = row.insertcell(1);   var cell2 = row.insertcell(2);   var cell3 = row.insertcell(3);   var cell4 = row.insertcell(4);   temp_number = "new_" + number_row;   temp_submit = "table_submit_" + temp_number;   cell0.innerhtml = '<button id="table_edit_' + temp_found + '" onclick="table_edit_row("' + temp_found + '")">edit</button><button id="' + temp_submit + '" onclick="table_submit(temp_number)" class="tb_hide">submit</button>';   cell1.innerhtml = temp_found;   cell2.innerhtml = document.getelementbyid('a_new').value;   cell3.innerhtml = document.getelementbyid('b_new').value;   cell4.innerhtml = document.getelementbyid('c_new').value;   table_cancel() }  function table_edit_row(x) {   document.getelementbyid("new").style.display = "none";   document.getelementbyid("cancel").style.display = "block";   var id, a, b, c, temp_a, temp_b, temp_c, table_name, table_value;   table_name = document.getelementbyid("mytable");   (var = 1, row; row = table_name.rows[i]; i++) {     if (table.rows[i].cells[1].innerhtml = x) {       id = table_name.rows[i].cells[1].innerhtml;       = table_name.rows[i].cells[2].innerhtml;       b = table_name.rows[i].cells[3].innerhtml;       c = table_name.rows[i].cells[4].innerhtml;       document.getelementbyid('table_edit_' + id).style.display = "none";       document.getelementbyid('table_submit_' + id).style.display = "block";       table_name.rows[i].cells[2].innerhtml = '<input type="text" id="a_edit" value="' + + '">';       table_name.rows[i].cells[3].innerhtml = '<input type="text" id="b_edit" value="' + b + '">';       table_name.rows[i].cells[4].innerhtml = '<input type="text" id="c_edit" value="' + c + '">';     }   } }  function sorttable(n) {   var table, rows, switching, i, x, y, shouldswitch, dir, switchcount = 0;   table = document.getelementbyid("mytable");   switching = true;   //set sorting direction ascending:   dir = "asc";   /*make loop continue until   no switching has been done:*/   while (switching) {     //start saying: no switching done:     switching = false;     rows = table.getelementsbytagname("tr");     /*loop through table rows (except     first, contains table headers):*/     (i = 2; < (rows.length - 1); i++) {       //start saying there should no switching:       shouldswitch = false;       /*get 2 elements want compare,       1 current row , 1 next:*/       x = rows[i].getelementsbytagname("td")[n];       y = rows[i + 1].getelementsbytagname("td")[n];       /*check if 2 rows should switch place,       based on direction, asc or desc:*/       if (dir == "asc") {         if (x.innerhtml.tolowercase() > y.innerhtml.tolowercase()) {           //if so, mark switch , break loop:           shouldswitch = true;           break;         }       } else if (dir == "desc") {         if (x.innerhtml.tolowercase() < y.innerhtml.tolowercase()) {           //if so, mark switch , break loop:           shouldswitch = true;           break;         }       }     }     if (shouldswitch) {       /*if switch has been marked, make switch       , mark switch has been done:*/       rows[i].parentnode.insertbefore(rows[i + 1], rows[i]);       switching = true;       //each time switch done, increase count 1:       switchcount++;     } else {       /*if no switching has been done , direction "asc",       set direction "desc" , run while loop again.*/       if (switchcount == 0 && dir == "asc") {         dir = "desc";         switching = true;       }     }   } } 

page: demo jsfiddle

please no jquery script, want normal java script if possible.

i see lot of problems. i'll go ahead , solve add row problem.

to start don't have submit button doing change line this

<button onclick="table_add_row()" id="t_new" name="t_new">submit</button> 

then change table_add_row function this

function table_add_row() {  var table_name, row, id, a, b, c, number_row, temp_number,temp_found, temp_submit;  table_name = document.getelementbyid("mytable");  number_row = 0;  temp_found = 0;  row = table_name.insertrow(2);  id = document.getelementbyid("id_edit").value  var cell0 = row.insertcell(0);  var cell1 = row.insertcell(1);  var cell2 = row.insertcell(2);  var cell3 = row.insertcell(3);  //var cell4 = row.insertcell(4);  temp_number = "new_" + number_row;  temp_submit = "table_submit_" + temp_number;  cell0.innerhtml = '<button id="table_edit_' + temp_found + '"onclick="table_edit_row("' + temp_found + '")">edit</button><button id="'  + temp_submit + '" onclick="table_submit(temp_number)"  class="tb_hide">submit</button>';   cell1.innerhtml = temp_found;   cell1.innerhtml = document.getelementbyid('a_new').value;   cell2.innerhtml = document.getelementbyid('b_new').value;   cell3.innerhtml = document.getelementbyid('c_new').value;    } 
