get data from json with layers in objective c -

i using twiiter api,trying url json.

the url @ "media_url" deep inside json. how inside json , pull "media_url" out? (the path "media_url" entities->media[8]-->media_url)

i succeded in geting "text" because in high level entities with: @property (strong, nonatomic) nsstring *text; if try @property (strong, nonatomic) nsurl *media_url; nil

this example json:

2017-04-05 12:46:18.272 interview[11043:762614] tweet: {     contributors = "<null>";     coordinates = "<null>";     "created_at" = "wed apr 05 09:00:01 +0000 2017";     entities =     {         hashtags =         (         );         media =         (                         {                 "display_url" = "";                 "expanded_url" = "";                 id = 849547159993274368;                 "id_str" = 849547159993274368;                 indices =                 (                     112,                     135                 );                 "media_url" = ""; 

parse json nsobject using [nsjsonserialization jsonobject​with​data:​options:​error:​]. object that's nsarray or nsdictionary. can traverse object so:

nsstring *mediaurl = [[dict[@"tweet"][@"entities"][@"media"] objectatindex:0] objectforkey:@"media_url"] 
