c# - RedirectToAction won't works, it runs but do not route to the url -

thank you!!

i have question.

the redirecttoaction won't work, runs not route url

it runs edit controller first

    public actionresult edit(int? id)     {         checkaccess();          if (id == null)         {             return new httpstatuscoderesult(httpstatuscode.badrequest);         }             .....     } 

it access checkaccess() method, when runs return redirecttoaction("error", "index"); runs ok not route url, , "edit" controller , run next command "if (id==null).

    public actionresult checkaccess()     {         int staffusertype = 5;         if (session["staffusertype"] != null)             staffusertype = convert.toint32(session["staffusertype"]);          if (staffusertype == 5)         {              //return json(url.action("index", "error"));             return redirecttoaction("error", "index");             //return view("errorcontroller/index");          }         else             return view();         }     } 

the edit() never return redirecttoaction result, because return values checkaccess() isn't captured , returned.

you modify checkaccess() return bool

public bool checkaccess() {     int staffusertype = 5;     if (session["staffusertype"] != null)         staffusertype = convert.toint32(session["staffusertype"]);      if (staffusertype == 5)     {         return false;     }     else     {         return true;     } } 

then check result in edit, , return redirecttoaction if result false.

public actionresult edit(int? id) {     if (!checkaccess())     {         return redirecttoaction("index", "error");     }      ..... } 
