java - cannot find symbol for custom annotation -

i have written custom annotation below:

package annotation;  import static java.lang.annotation.elementtype.method; import java.lang.annotation.retention; import java.lang.annotation.retentionpolicy; import;  @retention(retentionpolicy.runtime) @target(method) public @interface fieldrule {     string value(); } 

and class utilize annotation is:

package annotation;  public class screeningvo {      string rrcstatuscode;      public string getrrcstatuscode() {         return rrcstatuscode;     }      @fieldrule("rrc_rule")     public void setrrcstatuscode(string rrcstatuscode) {         this.rrcstatuscode = rrcstatuscode;     }      public static void main(string[] args) {             screeningvo s = new screeningvo();             s.setrrcstatuscode("yes");             system.out.println("testing annotation");     } } 

now when compile screeningvo compiler throws error: error: cannot find symbol         @fieldrule("rrc_rule")          ^   symbol:   class fieldrule   location: class screeningvo 

however annotation provided , both annotation , screeningvo exist in same package.
