php - Automatically create view and controller in CodeIgniter -

i'm using codeigniter , have project lot of pages. each page consist of controller + view. maybe there way automatically create pages , controllers base on template? maybe codeigniter has batch file option detects changes in specific table (pages table example) in database , create controller + view files accordingly?


found way create 'batch' file create model/view/controller


i used codeigniter's helper so.

from controller load helper

    $this->load->helper('pages_creator');     create_new_page('test', 'test', 'test'); 

here helper pages_creator_helper.php

  <?php    function create_new_page($page_name, $class_name, $controller_name){    // create controller   $controller = fopen(apppath.'controllers/'.$controller_name.'.php', "a")   or die("unable open file!");    $controller_content ="<?php   defined('basepath') or exit('no direct script access allowed');    class $class_name extends my_controller  {    public function __construct()   {     parent::__construct();     }   public function index()    {     \$this->data['site_title'] = '$page_name';     \$this->twig->display('$page_name',\$this->data);     }     }";   fwrite($controller, "\n". $controller_content);   fclose($controller);    // create model   $model = fopen(apppath.'models/'.$class_name.'_model'.'.php', "a")    or die("unable open file!");     $model_content ="<?php if ( ! defined('basepath')) exit('no direct script     access allowed');     class ".$class_name."_model"." extends ci_model   {   function __construct()   {     // call model constructor     parent::__construct();   }    }   ";   fwrite($model, "\n". $model_content);   fclose($model);    // create twig page    $page = fopen(apppath.'views/'.$page_name.'.twig', "a") or die("unable       open file!");     $page_content ='{% extends "base.twig" %}   {% block content %}    <div class="row">     <div class="col-md-12">         <h1>to {{ site_title }}</h1>      </div>     <!-- /.col -->   </div>     {% endblock %}';   fwrite($page, "\n". $page_content);   fclose($page);    } 
