signal processing - How to do z transform using python sympy? -

z transform important in signal process. can find fourier, laplace, cosine transform , on in sympy tutorial. not know how z transform using sympy. tell me how ?

sympy doesn't have implemented transform function yet, can represent summations directly. however, after playing it, looks limited in sums can compute. here's example of 1 works:

>>> pprint(summation(n*z**-n, (n, -oo, oo))) ⎧      z           1           │1│ ⎪- ───────── + ──────────  │─│ < 1 ∧ │z│ < 1 ⎪          2            2      │z│ ⎪  (-z + 1)      ⎛    1⎞ ⎪              z⋅⎜1 - ─⎟ ⎪                ⎝    z⎠ ⎪ ⎨        ∞ ⎪       ___ ⎪       ╲ ⎪        ╲      -n ⎪        ╱   n⋅z                 otherwise ⎪       ╱ ⎪       ‾‾‾ ⎩      false 
