google bigquery - Getting error when loading JSON from GCS -

i trying load schema , data gcs json files. using command line purpose.

bq load --source_format=newline_delimited_json --schema=gs://1samtest/jsonsample/personsdataschema.json ssdata.persons_data gs://1samtest/jsonsample/personsdata.json 

but error:

//1samtest/jsonsample/personsdataschema.json not valid value

but when change paths local machine works file. don't know why getting error json.

if run below after creating table in bigquery works fine.

bq load  --source_format=newline_delimited_json ssdata.persons_data  "gs://1samtest/jsonsample/personsdata.json" 

the schema flag/param doesn't support uris gcs i.e. using gs://...

bq load --help

the [destination_table] fully-qualified table name of table create, or append if table exists.

the [source] argument can path single local file, or comma-separated list of uris.

the [schema] argument should either name of json file or text schema. schema should omitted if table has one.

only source flag/param (i.e. data) can used gcs uris.
