How to change method name for has_through rails association? -

i trying create 2 has many relations same destination tables unable override default method name rails creates when defining association.

the following case:

class user < applicationrecord   has_many :conference_attendees, dependent: :destroy   has_many :conference_organizers, dependent: :destroy   has_many :conferences, through: :conference_attendees, class_name: 'attending', dependent: :destroy   has_many :conferences, through: :conference_organizers, source: :conference, dependent: :destroy  class conferenceorganizer < applicationrecord   alias_attribute :organizers, :users   belongs_to :conference   belongs_to :user end  class conferenceattendee < applicationrecord   belongs_to :conference   belongs_to :user end  class conference < applicationrecord   has_many :conference_attendees, dependent: :destroy   has_many :conference_organizers, dependent: :destroy   has_many :users, through: :conference_attendees, dependent: :destroy   has_many :organizers, through: :conference_organizers, source: :user, dependent: :destroy 

i trying access conferences user attended , conferences user organized using following:

user.find(id: <id>).organizing user.find(id: <id>).attending 

but unable ,

user.find(id: <id>).conferences 

defaults organizing conferences. how access attending conferences?

since doing join on same 2 tables might cleaner 1 join table , add field called status distinguish organizer attendee. way can add other status values such "presenter".

set table rails g model registration user:references conference:references status:string; rake db:migrate

set model associations:

# app/models/user.rb has_many :registrations, dependent: :destroy  # app/models/conference.rb has_many :registrations, dependent: :destroy  # app/models/registration.rb belongs_to :user belongs_to :conference scope :attendees, -> { where( status: "attendee") } scope :organizers, -> { where( status: "organizer") } 

then show attendees , organizers on conference show page:

# app/controllers/conferences_controller.rb def show   @conference = conference.find(params[:id])   @attendee_registrations = @conference.registrations.attendees   @organizer_registrations = @conference.registrations.organizers end  # app/views/conferences/show.html.erb <h3>organizers</h3> <% @organizer_registrations.each |registration| %>   <li><%= link_to(, registration.user) %></li> <% end %> <h3>attendees</h3> <% @attendee_registrations.each |registration| %>   <li><%= link_to(, registration.user) %></li> <% end %> 

then show conferences on user's show page:

# app/controllers/users_controller.rb def show   @user = user.find(params[:id])   @attending_registrations = @user.registrations.attendees   @organizing_registrations = @user.registrations.organizers    end  # app/views/users/show.html.erb <h3>conferences organizing</h3> <% @organizing_registrations.each |registration| %>   <li><%= link_to(, registration.conference) %><br>    date: <%= %></li> <% end %> <h3>conferences attending</h3> <% @attending_registrations.each |registration| %>   <li><%= link_to(, registration.conference) %><br>    date: <%= %></li> <% end %> 
