ios - UIImageViews / Adding Multiple Stickers To A View. -

intro: functionality of adding multiple stickers/emoji view.

setup: there 2 view controllers - 1 we're adding stickers, , collectionview of stickers. stickers passed in arrays in 'prepareforsegue' func. there 2 arrays, 1 sticker images, - uiimageviews - stickers panned, pinched , rotated.

bug: after adding 2nd sticker, addingstickersvc reappears previous sticker isn't left if. pinched , zoomed, not panned. new stickers sticked first 1 (same frame?). can pinch , zoom previous stickers separately new ones - (nope, have own frames), can't separate them. end having stack of uiimageviews takes rotating , pinching separately pans together. also, speed of panning increasing after each additional sticker (the panning gesture added multiple time?).

hierarchy of views

enter image description here

stickers added 'viewforemoji' view (viewforimgandemoji).


@iboutlet weak var viewforimgandemoji: uiview! @iboutlet weak var mainimg: uiimageview! @iboutlet weak var viewforsnapshot: uiview!   var imagedata: data! var imageitself: uiimage! var currentuserpostref: firdatabasereference! var emojiimage: uiimage! var geofire: geofire!  var arrayofemojis = [uiimage]() var arrayofemojiviews = [uiimageview]()  var n:int = 1  override func viewdidload() {     super.viewdidload()      if imagedata != nil {         let img = uiimage(data: imagedata)         let fixedimg = img!.fixorientation(img: img!)          mainimg.image = fixedimg     } else if imageitself != nil {         mainimg.image = imageitself     }       if arrayofemojiviews.count != 0 {         emojiview1 in arrayofemojiviews {             viewforimgandemoji.addsubview(emojiview1)         }     }       // image out of array.      if arrayofemojis.count != 0 {         emoji in arrayofemojis {              let emojiview = uiimageview(image: emoji)             emojiview.tag = n             emojiview.frame = cgrect(x: 153, y: 299, width: 70, height: 70)             emojiview.isuserinteractionenabled = true              let pan = uipangesturerecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self.handlepan(recognizer:)))             pan.delegate = self             viewforimgandemoji.addgesturerecognizer(pan)              let pinch = uipinchgesturerecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self.handlepinch(recognizer:)))             pinch.delegate = self             viewforimgandemoji.addgesturerecognizer(pinch)              let rotate = uirotationgesturerecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self.handlerotate(recognizer:)))             rotate.delegate = self             viewforimgandemoji.addgesturerecognizer(rotate)              // check won't add previous emoji. new.              if viewforimgandemoji.viewwithtag(n) == nil {                  viewforimgandemoji.addsubview(emojiview)             }             n += 1           }     } }   override func prepare(for segue: uistoryboardsegue, sender: any?) {      if arrayofemojis.count != 0 {         j in 1...n {              if var view1 = self.viewforimgandemoji.viewwithtag(j) as? uiimageview {                 arrayofemojiviews.append(view1)                 print("zhenya: views frame \(view1.frame)")             }         }      }      if segue.identifier == "emojicollectionvc" {         if let emojicollection = segue.destination as? emojicollectionvc{             if let image = sender as? uiimage {             emojicollection.userimage = image                  if arrayofemojis.count != 0 {                   //arraytostoreemojis                    emojicollection.arraytostoreemojis = arrayofemojis                    emojicollection.arraytostoreemojiviews = arrayofemojiviews             }         }       }     } }   @ibaction func handlepan(recognizer: uipangesturerecognizer) {     let translation = recognizer.translation(in: self.viewforimgandemoji)     if let view = recognizer.view { = cgpoint( + translation.x, + translation.y)         }     recognizer.settranslation(, in: self.viewforimgandemoji)  }   @ibaction func handlepinch(recognizer: uipinchgesturerecognizer) {      let pinchpoint = recognizer.location(in: viewforimgandemoji)     let ouremojiview = viewforimgandemoji.hittest(pinchpoint, with: nil)      ouremojiview!.transform = ouremojiview!.transform.scaledby(x: recognizer.scale, y: recognizer.scale)     recognizer.scale = 1  }  @ibaction func handlerotate(recognizer: uirotationgesturerecognizer){      let rotatepoint = recognizer.location(in: viewforimgandemoji)     let ouremojiview = viewforimgandemoji.hittest(rotatepoint, with: nil)      ouremojiview!.transform = ouremojiview!.transform.rotated(by: recognizer.rotation)     recognizer.rotation = 0 }  func gesturerecognizer(_ gesturerecognizer: uigesturerecognizer, shouldrecognizesimultaneouslywith othergesturerecognizer: uigesturerecognizer) -> bool {     return true } 

and emojicollectionvc:

func collectionview(_ collectionview: uicollectionview, didselectitemat indexpath: indexpath) {      let cell = collectionview.cellforitem(at: indexpath) as! emojicollectioncell     let chosenemoji = cell.emojiview.image uiimage!      arraytostoreemojis.append(chosenemoji!)     performsegue(withidentifier: "backtoemojivc", sender: arraytostoreemojis) }   override func prepare(for segue: uistoryboardsegue, sender: any?) {     if segue.identifier == "backtoemojivc"{          if let destinationvc = segue.destination as? emojivc {             if let array = sender as? [uiimage] {                  destinationvc.arrayofemojis = arraytostoreemojis                 destinationvc.arrayofemojiviews = arraytostoreemojiviews                   let data = uiimagepngrepresentation(userimage)                 destinationvc.imagedata = data         }     } } } 

found solution. there reason why new imageviews stacked - because after panning imageviews didn't change location in view. whole f view moving. (to find this, spent 8hours tracking changes of frame origins 'prints' @ every step of program). , reason whole view moving - because panning gesture added whole view. instead of

let pan = uipangesturerecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self.handlepan(recognizer:))) pan.delegate = self viewforimgandemoji.addgesturerecognizer(pan) 

i needed:

let pan = uipangesturerecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self.handlepan(recognizer:))) pan.delegate = self emojiview.addgesturerecognizer(pan) 

what interesting, pinching , rotating - still add them whole view contains emojiview:

 viewforimgandemoji.addgesturerecognizer(pinch)  ...   viewforimgandemoji.addgesturerecognizer(rotate) 
