javascript - jquery: how to animate multiple elements when hovered over one element? -

i have following html code.

<div id="table1"></div>   <script>     var arr = [     ["s1","s2","s3"],     ["sk1","sk2","sk3"],     ["skl1","skl2"]     ];     table_generator("table1", arr);   </script> 

now add table div, have following javascript code.

<script>       function table_generator(body_table_name, s_array) {          var body_table = document.getelementbyid(body_table_name);          //create table section         var table = document.createelement("table");         table.setattribute("id", "table_"+body_table_name);          //append body div         body_table.appendchild(table);          //add rows         var row_length = s_array.length;         for(var = 0; <row_length;  i++)         {            row(s_array[i], "row"+i, "table_"+body_table_name);         }          assign_height_width_hover_effects();     } </script> 

to add rows inside table have javascript function

<script>   function row(td_array, row_name, table_name) {     //create row     var tr = document.createelement("tr");     tr.setattribute("id", "tr_"+row_name);     document.getelementbyid(table_name).appendchild(tr);      //create tds     for(var = 0; i<td_array.length; i++)     {       var td = document.createelement("td");       td.setattribute("id", "td_"+td_array[i]);       tr.appendchild(td);        //add td styling = "all 0.5s ease-in-out";        //add text cell       var name = document.createelement("span");       name.setattribute("id", "name_"+td_array[i]);       name.innerhtml = td_array[i];       td.appendchild(name);        //add skill info       var info = document.createelement("span");       info.setattribute("id", "info_"+td_array[i]);       info.innerhtml = "some info here";       name.appendchild(info);        //add styling info = "absolute"; = "inherit"; = "inherit"; = "hidden"; = 0; = "all 1s ease-in-out 0.4s"; = "scale(0)";        //calculate cell width       var width = (td.clientwidth + 1);       if (width > max_width)       {         max_width = width;       }        //push in array       main_array.push(td_array[i]);     }   } </script> 

and finally, give height , width table cells , add hover effects call following function

<script>   function assign_height_width_hover_effects() {     //assigh height , width cells in row     for(var = 0; i<main_array.length; i++)     {       var td = document.getelementbyid("td_"+main_array[i]);       var name = document.getelementbyid("name_"+main_array[i]);       var info = document.getelementbyid("info_"+main_array[i]);        //add styling td = max_width+"px"; = max_width+"px"; = "center";  = "rgb(0, 0, 0) 0px 0px 0px 0px inset";        //here need       $(td).hover(         function(){           $(this).stop().animate({boxshadow: '0 0 '+max_width+'px'}, 'fast');           //$(this).stop().animate({"opacity": 0});         },          function(){           $(this).stop().animate({boxshadow: '0 0 0'}, 'fast');           //$(this).stop().animate({"opacity": 1});     }     );     }   } </script> 

basically want animate following:

  • when mouse enters td table cell:

    • the box shadow of td cell animate color
    • the span element id "name" inside td cell fade away, use opacity 0 that.
    • and span element id "info" inside td cell appear, use opacity 1 that.
  • when mouse leaves td table cell:

    • the box shadow of td cell animate normal. go away
    • the span element id "name" inside td cell appear back, use opacity 1 that.
    • and span element id "info" inside td cell fade away, use opacity 0 that.

now able animate box shadow alone, or fade in - fade out of name element not both together.

you should able easier css

td {    transition: box-shadow 1s ease 0s;    box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #000;    padding: 20px;  }    td:hover {    box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #f00;  }    td .name {    transition: opacity 1s ease 0s;    opacity: 1;  }    td:hover .name {    opacity: 0;  }    td .info {    transition: opacity 1s ease 0s;    opacity: 0;  }    td:hover .info {    opacity: 1;  }
<table>    <tbody>      <tr>        <td>1-1</td>        <td>1-2</td>        <td>1-3</td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td>2-1</td>        <td>2-2</td>        <td>2-3</td>      </tr>    </tbody>  </table>

i did change selectors name , info classes instead of id since ids should unique.

note: simple example. want add specific selector before td way won't apply every table on page / site.
