first not looking take spacific words , change words related tag. trying akin highlighting text in word , changing text color.
i have program output string stored in dictionary calling key. want change sections of text color within string not iterations of text.
i don't think tagging words job me take lot of time define different words want change color of , not want words changed. if possible highlight words , click button color text when save text library text retains color given. more along lines of trying do.
further more if possible create kind of rule looks set of characters , takes inside characters , changes color.
could write read data inside dictionary , identifier lets call clrgr*
, closing identifier, lets call clrgr**
, text or string inside identifiers have been changed green. calling tag or similar.
clrgr* random string of text between identifiers clrgr**
applying tags via regular expression
the text widget supports finding ranges of text specified regular expression.
note: expression must follow tcl regular expression syntax, has slight differences python regular expressions.
for example:
import tkinter tk root = text = tk.text(root) text.pack(fill="both", expand=true) text.tag_configure("highlight", foreground="green") text.insert("1.0", ''' blah blah blah clrgr* random string of text between identifiers clrgr** blah blah blah ''') # highlights first match, can put code # in loop highlight whole file char_count = tk.intvar() index ='(?:clrgr\*).*(?:clrgr\*\*)', "1.0", "end", count=char_count, regexp=true) # have adjust character indexes skip on identifiers if index != "": start = "%s + 6 chars" % index end = "%s + %d chars" % (index, char_count.get()-7) text.tag_add("highlight", start, end) root.mainloop()
saving color information
you can, however, call dump
method on text widget list of tuples describe content of text widget. can use information either write directly file (in format app understand), or convert data known format.
the best description of dump
method returns described in tcl/tk man pages:
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