reactjs - React Component, Highstock: Synchronize multiple charts? -

i working react , highcharts. relatively new both these technologies. need generate 2 synchronized highstock charts. able display charts below layout.

<div class=container> <div class=chart1>new highcharts.stockchart(newchartoptions) </div> <div class=chart2>new highcharts.stockchart(newchartoptions)</div> </div>  

the charts displayed. want synchronize charts have common tool tip, see , not sure how implement react. have tried assign function(handleevent(e)) plotoptions:{line:{ point:{ event:{click: , mouseover}}}} did not help. not sure how invoke handleevent(e) method. not sure how/when invoke handleevent(e). appreciated.

below component code:

import $ 'jquery'; import react 'react'; import highcharts 'highcharts-release/highstock';  export default class synchronizedstatuschart extends react.component {      constructor (props) {         super(props);         this.state = {             chartname: `chart${this.props.chartnum}`,         };     }   handleevent(e){          let allcharts = highcharts.charts;         console("synchronizedstatuschart:handleevent:chartslength = " + allcharts.length);         var chart, point, i, event;           (i = 0; < allcharts.length; = + 1)         {             chart = highcharts.charts[i];             event = chart.pointer.normalize(e.originalevent); // find coordinates within chart             point = chart.series[0].searchpoint(event, true); // hovered point             if (point) {                 this.onmouseover(); // show hover marker                 this.series.chart.tooltip.refresh(this); // show tooltip                 this.series.chart.xaxis[0].drawcrosshair(event, this);             }         }     }      componentdidmount () {      }       componentwillupdate (nextprops) {         for(let i=0; i<; i++){            this.generatechart([i],i+1,nextprops.titles[i]);        }        }      generatechart(data, i, title) {         if(data == null)         {             data = [];         }          let ticksdata = [0,1];         let newchartoptions =             {                 chart: {                     //renderto: document.getelementbyid(this.state.chartname),                     renderto: document.getelementbyid(`syncchart${i}`),                     height:'125'                 },                 rangeselector: {                     enabled: false                 },                 credits: {                     enabled: false                 },                 navigator: {                    enabled: false                 },                 scrollbar: {                     enabled: false                 },                 tooltip: {                     shared: true,                     pointformat: '<span style="color:{series.color}">{}</span>: <b>{point.y:.2f}</b> <br/>'                 },                 xaxis:{                  },                 yaxis: {                     offset: 15,                     labels: {                         align: 'center',                         x: -3,                         y: 6                       },                     tickpositioner: function () {                         var positions = ticksdata;                         return positions;                     },                     opposite:false,                     showlastlabel: true,                     title:{                         text:title                     }                 },                 series: [{                     name: title,                     type: this.props.status ? 'area' : 'line',                     data: data,                     showinnavigator: false                  }],        };         new highcharts.stockchart(newchartoptions);     }   render () {      return (       <div classname="med-chart col-md-9" id={this.state.chartname} style={this.props.chartstyle}>           <div id='syncchart1'></div>          <div id='syncchart2'></div>      </div>     );   }   } 

i had same problem recently. here's has worked me. using common parent component add pure javascript event listeners 'mousemove' , 'mouseleave' each chart dom element.

class parentcomponent extends component {   ...   componentdidmount() {     this.charts = document.queryselectorall('.chart-container');     [], (chart) => {       chart.addeventlistener('mousemove', this.handlechartmousemove);       chart.addeventlistener('mouseleave', this.handlechartmouseleave);     });     highcharts.pointer.prototype.reset = () => undefined;   }   componentwillunmount() {     [], (chart) => {       chart.removeeventlistener('mousemove', this.handlechartmousemove);       chart.removeeventlistener('mousemove', this.handlechartmouseleave);     });   }   handlechartmousemove = (e) => {     const chartindex = e.currenttarget.dataset.highchartschart;     const chart = highcharts.charts[chartindex];     const event = chart.pointer.normalize(e);     const pointindex = chart.series[0].searchpoint(event, true).index;     highcharts.charts.foreach((chart) => {       const xaxis = chart.xaxis[0];       const point = chart.series[0].points[pointindex];       const points = => s.points[pointindex]); // if more 1 series       point.onmouseover();       xaxis.drawcrosshair(event, point);       // if more 1 series, pass array of points, took me long time figure out       chart.tooltip.refresh(points, event);     });   };   handlechartmouseleave = () => {     highcharts.charts.foreach((chart) => {       chart.tooltip.hide();       chart.xaxis[0].hidecrosshair();     });   };   ... } 
