Search date in Datatables and MeteorJS -

hi have following problem in datatable need show data of each student don´t show date of birth. example ejemplo

i use mongodb , date of birth in field of type:

isodate 2017-02-28 00:00:00.000z

display date in friendly format use following function:

{ data: "birthdate", title: "bithdate",   render:function(val)     {          var fecha = new date(val);         var mes = fecha.getmonth()+1;         var anio = fecha.getfullyear();         var dia = fecha.getdate();         var fechaformateada= dia+'/'+mes+'/'+anio;         return fechaformateada.tostring();      } }  

if don´t use function shows me data follows: isodate

but if search 28 or 2017 not show me result, in top code ::


<template name="informacion">  <div class="white card" style="padding:10px 10px 10px 10px;">         {{> tabular table=get_information_tabular class="hover nowrap" }}   </div> </template> 


my helper

template.informacion.helpers({   get_information_tabular: function(){   return alumnos.tabulartable;    }  }); 


in file have definition of collections , tabular:

alumnos = new orion.collection('alumnos', {   singularname: 'alumno',   pluralname: 'alumnos',    title: 'alumnos',   parentpath: '/admin',    link: {     title: 'alumnos',     parent: '_template'  },   tabular: {   scrollx: true,   autowidth:false,   responsive:true,   limit:5,    dom: 'blfrtip',          lengthmenu: [             [ 10, 25, 50,100, 500 ],             [ '10 filas', '25 filas', '50 filas', '100 filas','500 filas' ]         ],         buttons: [             {               extend:'pagelength',               text:"filas"             },             {                 extend: 'copyhtml5',                 text: 'copiar'             }         ],       columns: [            { data: "birthdate", title: "bithdate",       render:function(val)         {              var fecha = new date(val);             var mes = fecha.getmonth()+1;             var anio = fecha.getfullyear();             var dia = fecha.getdate();             var fechaformateada= dia+'/'+mes+'/'+anio;             return fechaformateada.tostring();          }     }   ] }}); 


 alumnos.attachschema(new simpleschema({         birthdate:{ type: date, label: 'birthdate' ,autoform: { type:"pickadate",pickadateoptions:{  format:'d/m/yyyy', selectmonths: true,selectyears: 100 } } ,optional: true }                 })); 

